If you want a great workout, just pull out the old jumprope.
No need for fancy expensive equipment.
Just start jumping.
Think of all the jumprope games you played as a child and have fun as you gain endurance, strength and burn tons of calories.
Remember Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around?
I am going to go get a few more jumpropes.
A long one so I can play all those games again with my own kids,
And a few kids size ones for my different age children.
I am telling you, it is a GREAT workout!
1. You can start by trying to jump 100 times. It is ok if you miss just jump until you reach 100.
2. Then put the jumprope down and do 10 push-ups, 10 squats and 10 lunges (10 on the right leg, 10 on the left leg)
3. Then jump again until you reach 100.
4. REPEAT the push-ups, squats and lunges.
5. Now you can add in kickboxing moves; punching and kicking.
6. Go back to jumping rope for 100 times and continue with this circuit for 20-30 minutes.
7. If you want to add more intense training, run up and down your stairs 5-10 times in the middle of it all!
If you want a little inspiration, just watch a group of children jumping rope.
Or you can watch this youtube clip of the boxer Floyd Mayweather dancing with his jumprope.
It is amazing! I am SO INSPIRED!