It was the very first time I had met her.
She had a table full of canned applesauce and fresh bread warming on the counters.
I liked this girl already.
She didn't even have to say a word!
So, next to the jars of applesauce, I spy a book:
"The Simple Living Guide" by Janet Luhrs
I searched for it at the library, checked it out, read it and bought it at Border's when I got a 40% off coupon.
It has chapters on:
Simple Pleasures and Romance
In the introduction it lists 28 Secrets to Happiness.
1. Live beneath your means and within your seams.
2. Return everything you borrow.
3. Donate blood.
4. Stop blaming other people.
5. Admit it when you make a mistake.
6. Give all the clothes you haven't worn in the last three years to charity.
7. Every day do something nice and try not to get caught.
8. Listen more; talk less.
9. Every day take a 30-minute walk in your neighborhood.
10. Skip 2 meals a week and give the money to the homeless.
11. Strive for excellence, not perfection.
12. Be on time.
13. Don't make excuses.
14. Don't argue.
15. Get organized.
16. Be kind to kind people.
17. Be even kinder to unkind people.
18. Let someone cut ahead of you in line.
19. Take time to be alone.
20. Reread a favorite book.
21. Cultivate good manners.
22. Be humble.
23. Understand and accept that life isn't always fair.
24. Know when to say something.
25. Know when to keep your mouth shut.
26. Don't criticize anyone for 24 hours.
27. Learn from the past, plan for the future, and live in the present.
28. Don't sweat the small stuff.
I like this list.
I would like to add forgiveness to the list.
~To forgive and to be forgiven.
Life is way too complicated without forgiveness!
Other than that, I think it's a wonderful list!
Does anyone have any other ideas?