Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rediscover Walking Outdoors

Putting my feet on the earth.

Enjoying fresh air and sunshine!

Clearing my head.

Finding time to truly be thankful.

Strengthening my heart.

Working my muscles.

All because I can!

The wonderful blessing of walking outdoors.

I think there is something to say about feeling the earth beneath our feet and the air all around us.

Marvelling at God's great big, beautiful world!

And even the tiny things of nature~like tiny flowers beside the road or a bunny scurrying into the bush.

Or even the workings of a city street.

All created by a loving God.

And we get to enjoy it as much as we want!

Here are a few ideas to spruce up your walking routine:

1. Warm up at a moderate pace for a few minutes.
~Speed up to a fast pace and really pump your arms.
~Slow down to a moderate pace.
~Speed up again and add long stride walking lunges. (Ignore the passing cars~After all, YOU are the ONE exercising!)
REPEAT EACH STEP for as long as you want but at least 20 minutes.

2. Another great walking routine is actually a walk/run routine where you:
~warm up for a few minutes
~and then run for a 1/2 mile
~and then walk at a brisk pace for a 1/2 mile
~continuing to alternate the run/walk for a total of 4 miles.
*time yourself and try to beat your time.
* I did this routine for many years with a few faithful partners and it never got boring as we tried to beat our time each time and we would add walking lunges periodically.
*Vary your route if you have to in order to get a few hills in and to make it exciting.

3. Walk at the local high school or college track and walk up and down the bleachers in between laps.

4. Find an area close by where you can go hiking. The closest metro or state park may have some really good trails.
~Bring along a child and find some walking sticks and pretend you are in the old days.
You can tie a bandanna filled with a few trail snacks around your stick.
~Look for cool and interesting plants, bugs and trees.

5. Walk along a deserted beach (again, try the metro and state parks) really pushing your feet into the sand, stop and do 10 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups, 10 squats and 10 crunches. REPEAT.
When you are done, lay on the sand and marvel at the sky.

6. Run or walk as fast as you can up your own driveway, walk down. REPEAT.

We can get our imaginations going and really think of a ton of ways to get outside and enjoy the freedom we have to exercise the body God gave us.

Walk by yourself, with a baby, child, spouse, friend, neighbor.

Make a plan and stick to it.

Think of it as a blessing and a privilege, which, of course, we know that it is!

Photo from All Posters

Thursday, May 13, 2010


It's raining.

I hear thunder and wind and pittering on my windows.

I feel cozy at home.

As if God gave me a vacation day in the middle of the week.

The errands can wait.

I can pitter in my bedroom and organize a forgotten corner.

I can snuggle with the children all day long if I want.

We might venture to the library and pick out new books and jump in a puddle or two when we get there.

I am calmer.

Less stressed.

Oh, the necessary will get done.

Just relax!

The rain is saying~

slow down, slow down, slow down.
My heart is calm.

All is green and beautiful!

Thank you, God, for this gift!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Laugh, Little Fellow

I came across this poem and fell in love with it!

It is a wonderful reminder to me to be happy always! I have so much to be thankful for!

Laugh, little fellow, laugh and sing
And just be glad for everything!
Be glad for morning and for night,
For sun and stars that laugh with light,
For trees that chuckle in the breeze,
For singing birds and humming bees~
Be one with them, and laugh along
And weave their gladness in your song.

Laugh, little fellow, laugh and sing
And coax the joy from everything;
Take gladness at its fullest worth
And make each hour an hour of mirth,
So that when on the downward slope
Of life the radiant sky of hope
Will bend above you all the way
And make you happy, as today.

Written by Wilbur D. Nesbit