Hi! I just want to talk about how sometimes when we think and wonder and have questions about things, we end up finding our answers from many different sources. For example, when I first started questioning my choice to give vaccines or not, or when I wondered if organic gardening and food was better than conventional, or even if homeschooling was right for our family, I realized the answers weren't always so plain to see at first.
I would sometimes ask God to show us what He wanted us to know about each subject or question and, sure enough, we would slowly find the answer and gain confidence in our decisions!
I started noticing a common thread that seemed to appear from many different sources. It might have been a person I met, an experience one of our family members had, a book, a newspaper article or an informational website. God had provided the answers! It wasn't always instant. Sometimes it was many years in the making, but nevertheless, the answer arrived!
I think the best thing a person can do to find an answer is first to ask for guidance, then to seek to educate themselves on the subject. When we don't educate ourselves, it is very easy to listen to the advice and opinion of others and even to give in to peer pressure or fear.
And when we seek to first ask for guidance and then to educate ourselves, a common thread will appear and then we can have confidence in our decision!
A very good informational health website is http://www.mercola.com/ He is a medical doctor that researches and interviews the experts on an assortment of health issues from subjects ranging from the flu vaccine to cell phone use to the latest news on vitamins, etc. You can sign up to receive his weekly emails like I do and then it is very easy to review the latest information.
Of course, in order to get that common thread, it is necessary to look for other sources as well.
I wish you all a healthy season!
PS. It is my lovely daughters birthday today! Karissa is 17 years old and we learned how to say Happy Birthday in Finn and since we are learning this language together, I thought I would share this with you. Hyvaa syntyma-paivaa, Karissa! (Happy Birthday, Karissa!)
15 years ago
I've been reminded of this so many times recently...God has a plan and will answer your prayers, even if it's not how we'd hoped.
And we all do what we feel is best for our family. Something that works for one family doesn't always work for others. But I certainly agree...educate yourself on the issues. Don't just jump on the latest bandwagon!
I look forward to what you publish on your blog! Your attitude is refreshing!
Hi Laura, I just found your blog!
I love this post, especially. It really resonates with me. You put into words exactly how I feel about decision making.
We've made a lot of big decisions in/for our family (homeschooling, and not giving vaccines, are two examples) in the past few years and it's so easy for me to want to give into that 'fear' or peer pressure sometimes because we do many things others don't--even when what we're doing as a family is what 'feels right' to us. Even when we listen to those answers that God has provided us with. Thanks for that reminder to listen to those signs and answers. They're always there when we seek them!
~ Jennifer
Hi Laura, just stopped in to check out what your blog. There is a conference this Friday night in Lansing on the safety of vaccines. Mary Toco, the speaker, is an independent researcher of vaccine safety and has been researching them for 29 years. We'll be heading there to hear what she has to say, my brother-in-law is going as well.
check out www.mcpakids.org for more information is you're interested.
Hi Cami, I have heard Mary Tocco speak from a dvd that was posted on Dr. Mercola's site. I was actually moved to tears! I would love to go with you all, but may not be able to swing it. I would love to hear what you think afterwards!
sigh . . . so refreshing to read all your posts and most importantly seeking wisdom from God! HE always is our best source and has given us every answer we will ever need in HIS WORD!
Laura you are so wise!
I am encouraged again but this time it's learning FINN! How cool that you are learning together! You'll have to let me know how you're doing it and how well it's going! ha! I LOVE IT!
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