Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dr. Mercola's Newsletter and Some Rambling

Dr. Mercola has some good information this week in his newsletter. One article is about taking baking soda to help ward off the flu (which I am doing because I feel a tiny twinge in my stomach). I like to 'prevent' rather than 'treat', if you know what I mean.

He also has a really good article on giving since that is a common thing to be doing this time of year. If you click on the links at the end of the article, it will lead you to a few other good links on giving.

And I thought the diabetes article was interesting.

So give it a look.

One thing we must all realize~once we have the information we cannot act like we don't know. I definitely do not always get around to practicing every little thing that I learn. I am quite slow at it, but I also know that because of the information I am receiving, I cannot act like I didn't know. In other words, if God gives us the info and we constantly ignore it, there are consequences like, 'I know why I should quit smoking but I just do not want to', OR 'I need to lose some weight so my heart will work better', OR 'If I do not get any sleep, I am going to end up in the 'funny farm''. but we just ignore it until there is a major problem. And then what?

I am not saying that we shouldn't put our trust in God and to take everything into our own hands. I know He is in control of EVERYTHING and I know that we all fall far short in the glory of God. I do believe, however, that He gave us a brain and a conscience and if we lean on him to help us with the answers, He will provide a way for us. I also have learned that no matter how hard I try with health issues, etc, the outcome may not be like I planned and THAT is when I know that God always knows best and that I need to trust in him even more.

Okay, does anybody know what I am trying to say? Or am I just sounding like a complete jerk?

Here are a few examples of what I am trying to say:
I have had 4 miscarriages now, the recent being just a month ago. After my first one, I worried about what I did to cause it thinking that I was pretty healthy and that there must have been something I could have done to cause it. Now I know that it is God's plan for me and no matter how 'healthy' I am, it will not keep Him from being the one to decide how my life will go. He gave me the information I needed to be mindful of my health and to give a new pregnancy a good, healthy start, but He also knows what is best for me and my family and I need to trust in that, as hard as it is to lose a pregnancy.

Well, for Pete's Sake, I am in my 40's now (but I feel so young and I am healthy and I....etc, etc.)! I know I can't have babies forever! He will probably give me twins at 50! The kids and I are reading the story of Jesus' birth and Mary's cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zachary were in their 60s and 70s when John the Baptist was born so I know it can happen!

Wow, I know you all know the story, but it sure is a GOOD one! I am telling you, there is no more interesting book than that Bible! Woo-wee!

Another example of what I am trying to say is: (this one is not quite so deep!)
We all know that when we eat too much candy, we will get sick! So the consequence is missing out on the days activities and puking instead! Not the wisest idea. I do stuff like that all the time. BUT I know now (that it will make me sick) and if I use just a 'little' self control, I will have a better day and I am able to do what needs to be done!

So all in all, do not let this keep you from learning. Learning brings many opportunities and "All things work together for good..." Romans 8:28

Have a wonderful day!

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