I was reminded of how much the sun affects our lives, body, mind and spirit!
We all know it gets us in a happier mood!
Just sitting next to a sunny window seems to calm me and bring serenity into my day.
Closing my eyes and bringing my face toward the sun somehow makes me feel loved!
And I know it is because that big bright star that we can see during the day is from our One and Only Heavenly Father who created the entire earth, Universe and me!
So, of course, I feel loved!
Seeing the sun shine on my dirty windows isn't exactly soothing, but if I move past the smudges and get outside and really enjoy the brightness of the day it somehow makes me feel less anxious and so happy!
Cleaning up the yard and getting the garden ready for planting is nourishing to the soul!
I am so thankful to have a 'bit of earth' to sow a few seeds.
The sun lifts our spirits, gives our bodies much needed nutrients and vitamins, and even helps ward off sickness and heal wounds~I believe not just the physical but the emotional as well!
It seems a bit easier to get out into the sunshine on a warm day, but just sitting by a window with cooler weather sun is so good for us!
You have all heard by now the importance of vitamin D and how it helps to build our immune system. In fact, there is quite a list of how beneficial it is to our entire bodies.
You can get sufficient vitamin D from sitting in the sun for 15-20 minutes a day.
If you sit indoors by a window, open it a little to let the fresh air come in.
You can also get it from foods such as wild salmon, fish oil, low-fat milk, and eggs.
You can even take a supplement if you feel that you are not getting enough from food or sunshine.
Dr. Mercola always has so much info on vitamin D and all the latest and greatest reports etc.
You can always visit his website at http://www.mercola.com/.
Let us all enjoy the sun and be reminded of all the blessings that God has given!
Putting our feet to earth and enjoying nature and sunshine as we walk in our neighborhood with a special person or even by ourselves is enough to slow down our minds and ponder the blessings in our lives.
It gives us a bit of time to truly be thankful!
Let the sun shine in!
Let the Son shine in!
Be someone's Sunshine today!
Our 19 year-old son just announced that he wants to be a chiropractor! I think he would be a great chiropractor! My prayer has always been for God to lead each child down the path HE has created for each one and that we, as parents, can give them the encouragement and confidence they need to go down that path.
I can see now that God has been shaping Shane's life for a path of health, fitness and wellness and I pray that wherever that path leads him that God will bless him with success and happiness!
I was thinking that same thing today about the sun and I found myself singing a loud to the lyrics of Sara Groves as i drove thru Atlanta's traffic with her song which goes like this and p.s. if you want a great CD to listen too and be encouraged get Sara Groves. . . her voice is amazing as she sings our our Lord!
You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can’t be a light unless I turn my face to you
You are the sun shining down on everyone
Light of the world giving light to everything I see
Beauty so brilliant I can hardly take it in
And everywhere you are is warmth and light
And I am the moon with no light of my own
Still you have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can’t be a light unless I turn my face to you
Shine on me with your light
Without you I’m a cold dark stone
Shine on me, I have no light of my own
You are the sun, you are the sun, you are the sun
And I am the moon
You have made me to shine
And as I glow in this cold dark night
I know I can’t be a light unless I turn my face to you
No I will never be a light unless I turn my face to you
I will never be a light unless I turn my face to you
No I will never be a light until I turn myself to you
You are the sun shining down on everyone
Wherever you are there's warmth and light
Wherever you are there's warmth and light
Without you, without you
Sweet light of the world shining down on me
Without you, without you
Sweet light of the world shining down on me
Without you, I'm a cold dark stone
Without you, I'm a cold dark stone
Without you, I'm a cold dark stone
Without you, I'm a cold dark stone
I have no light of my own
Without you, without you I'm a cold dark stone
Without you, I'm a cold dark stone
You are the sun, you are the sun
Shining down on everyone
If I can be of any help with Shane coming to Chiropractic school he can always call me at 770-283-7491. If he would like to come to LIFE University and take a tour it would be my pleasure to take him around and he could stay with me for free! I am so excited to hear his great news!!
I am ready to be graduating here in one year if all goes as planned ;-D
Blessings to you and your household,
Heather Ann
He should talk to Phil P (my brother in law) He's currently going to chiropractic school in Minnesota and loves it!
Thank you, both, for wanting to help with Shane's educational endeavors! It is wonderful to have so many wanting to share their enthusiasm! We will definitely seek out these wonderful leads!
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