Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Do It For The Joy!

I came across this simple phrase while skimming through my readings last week and immediately knew it was going to be our go-to phrase for the year!
Haven't you all heard of the trend of picking a word for the year?
Well, I guess picking a word for the year is supposed to revolutionize your year for greater purpose and happiness.
I came across this simple phrase and that is what we will go with this year!

If we are struggling with getting things done, 
whatever we need to do, no matter how big or how small,
how tedious or insignificant, great or magnificent,
I love it!
It totally pulled me out of my Christmas break laziness!
It is our household motto for the year!
I was all inspired to share it with the family so I had the kids do a simple school assignment, though it would be a good assignment for all of us!
Many times already I've had to tell myself to 'do it for the joy' and it spurred me on to finish the task at hand!
Try it!
It really works!
God bless your New Year!

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