Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm Making A List and Checking It Twice!

The time to make major lists is now, isn't it? I love lists. I love to make lists for EVERYTHING!
So now I am in the process of making a major list for the New Year.

I haven't finished my list yet but I did make a list of good ideas for 2010.

It is a good idea to put your major lists in a place that you can view them frequently. I keep mine in my ipod. I love that thing! Tiny but full of so much storage!

One thing I want to put on my list before I forget is to keep Christmas in my heart all year. I am going to write a list of all kinds of simple ideas to keep the spirit of Christmas going.

Like, bake a traditional Christmas cookie in March and share them with someone.

Or, read the Christmas story in the gospel according to Luke to the children in the middle of May.

Or, glue the red felt letters to Lenny's stocking. It is missing the L and the E and somehow I never get around to doing that during Christmas. On my list it goes!

Of course, I want to add different ways we can give to others each month.

If I look at my list often, it will remind me of what I want to do and why I made it in the first place. Because at one time it was important to me!

These are some ideas of what kind of lists I want to make:
1. Goals (updated!)
2. A fresh school schedule and ideas.
3. An updated financial freedom plan.
4. My own ultimate health and fitness plan.
5. New daily to-do list. I always need to refresh my plan this time of year!
6. Books that I want to read.
7. Christmas spirit ideas.
8. New foods to try. I have had quinoa in my cupboard for oh so long. I plan on cooking it this week.
9. Fun date ideas.
10. The major progressive to-do list! You know, the never-ending one!
11. The purchase list that includes anything to crew socks for the boys (the short ones are no good for ice skates!), to the button I need for my brown church coat, to new kitchen flooring. Sometimes there are things that NEVER get crossed off of that list!
12. Spring fashion ideas.
13. Sewing and craft ideas.
14. Fun family outing ideas.
15. Gift ideas.
16. Meal ideas.

And the list goes on and on! Sometimes I have to tell myself to quit making lists and start DOING some of these things! Hee hee!

Obviously, I can't DO everything, but it is nice to look at my lists once in awhile just in case I happen to get an extra 15 minutes peace!

I think I am going to write a list of all the things I could do if I ever get bored!

Or maybe a list of what I could do when the children all leave the nest, which, of course, seems AGES away! And choosing to homeschool leaves me many, many years before I have much time during the day to work on THOSE ideas!

Funny! With all my lists so neatly organized in my little ipod, you would think that my whole life was neatly organized and that I would be GREAT at checking things off of my list! But, alas and sigh, that just is not true! But I LOVE MAKING LISTS ANYWAY! YAY!

And isn't it just the perfect time to work on our lists? The time between Christmas and the New Year? Yes, it is! So grab a pencil and a nice new notebook (put it on your grocery list!) and start making your lists!

And on the Sabbath, we can rest! Thank God and Hallelujah!

Monday, December 21, 2009


This post is about believing!

Believing in Christmas!

Believing in joy!

Believing in love!

Believing in hope!

Believing in beauty, happiness, romance!

Believing in Miracles!

Believing in yourself!

Believing in success!

Believing in goodness!

Believing that all of your dreams can come true!

Believing in surprises!

Believing in the impossible!

Believing in perfect everlasting life!

"In September 1871, eight-year-old Virginia Hanlon of West 95th street in New York City wrote the following letter to The New York Sun:

Dear Editor,

I am eight years old. Some of my friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in the Sun, It's so." Please tell me the truth, Is there a Santa Claus?

In one of the most famous editorials ever written, the editors replied:

Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little...

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.

No Santa claus! Thank God he lives, and he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay ten times ten thousand years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood."

It is such a good reminder to think as a little child!

Our Dear Savior, Jesus Christ says:

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24

"...that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe." Galatians


Our family wants to wish all of you a very, Merry magical Christmas! May love, joy and peace be yours this Christmas and may you believe as a little child that all dreams can come true!

Merry Christmas with love,

Laura and Family

Please listen to this beautiful song, "Believe" by Josh Groban. Just close your eyes and really listen to the lyrics. We CAN believe!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Christmas Around The World

Merry Christmas-English

Boas Festas y Feliz Ano Novo-Portuguese

God Jul-Swedish

Boze Narodzenie-Polish

S Rozhdestvom Kristovym-Russian

Nodlaig Mhaith Chugnat-Irish

Sarbatori Vesele-Rumanian

Chrystos Rozdzajetsia Slawyte Jeho-Ukrainian

Nadolig Llawen-Welsh

Kellemes Karacsonyi Unnepeket-Hungarian

Vesele Vianoce-Slovakian

Glaedelig Jul-Danish

Sretan Bozic-Croatian

Noeliniz Ve Yeni Yiliniz Olsun-Turkish

Bron Natale-Italian

Houska Joulua-Finnish

Joyeux Noel-French

Kala Christougena-Greek

Vrolyk Kerfeest en Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar-Dutch

God Jul of Godt Nytt Aar-Norwegian

Feliz Navidad-Spanish

Froehliche Weihnachten-German

Vesele Vanoce-Bohemian

Cestutani Bizuc-Yugoslavian

Vrolike Kerstmis-Flemish

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dr. Mercola's Newsletter and Some Rambling

Dr. Mercola has some good information this week in his newsletter. One article is about taking baking soda to help ward off the flu (which I am doing because I feel a tiny twinge in my stomach). I like to 'prevent' rather than 'treat', if you know what I mean.

He also has a really good article on giving since that is a common thing to be doing this time of year. If you click on the links at the end of the article, it will lead you to a few other good links on giving.

And I thought the diabetes article was interesting.

So give it a look.

One thing we must all realize~once we have the information we cannot act like we don't know. I definitely do not always get around to practicing every little thing that I learn. I am quite slow at it, but I also know that because of the information I am receiving, I cannot act like I didn't know. In other words, if God gives us the info and we constantly ignore it, there are consequences like, 'I know why I should quit smoking but I just do not want to', OR 'I need to lose some weight so my heart will work better', OR 'If I do not get any sleep, I am going to end up in the 'funny farm''. but we just ignore it until there is a major problem. And then what?

I am not saying that we shouldn't put our trust in God and to take everything into our own hands. I know He is in control of EVERYTHING and I know that we all fall far short in the glory of God. I do believe, however, that He gave us a brain and a conscience and if we lean on him to help us with the answers, He will provide a way for us. I also have learned that no matter how hard I try with health issues, etc, the outcome may not be like I planned and THAT is when I know that God always knows best and that I need to trust in him even more.

Okay, does anybody know what I am trying to say? Or am I just sounding like a complete jerk?

Here are a few examples of what I am trying to say:
I have had 4 miscarriages now, the recent being just a month ago. After my first one, I worried about what I did to cause it thinking that I was pretty healthy and that there must have been something I could have done to cause it. Now I know that it is God's plan for me and no matter how 'healthy' I am, it will not keep Him from being the one to decide how my life will go. He gave me the information I needed to be mindful of my health and to give a new pregnancy a good, healthy start, but He also knows what is best for me and my family and I need to trust in that, as hard as it is to lose a pregnancy.

Well, for Pete's Sake, I am in my 40's now (but I feel so young and I am healthy and I....etc, etc.)! I know I can't have babies forever! He will probably give me twins at 50! The kids and I are reading the story of Jesus' birth and Mary's cousin Elizabeth and her husband Zachary were in their 60s and 70s when John the Baptist was born so I know it can happen!

Wow, I know you all know the story, but it sure is a GOOD one! I am telling you, there is no more interesting book than that Bible! Woo-wee!

Another example of what I am trying to say is: (this one is not quite so deep!)
We all know that when we eat too much candy, we will get sick! So the consequence is missing out on the days activities and puking instead! Not the wisest idea. I do stuff like that all the time. BUT I know now (that it will make me sick) and if I use just a 'little' self control, I will have a better day and I am able to do what needs to be done!

So all in all, do not let this keep you from learning. Learning brings many opportunities and "All things work together for good..." Romans 8:28

Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Boundless Energy!

My top health goal is to have boundless energy! I love to find any information that will help me with increasing my energy and I thought I would share with you what I have found!
~The number one way for me to get more energy is to drink a lot of water to nourish and bathe every cell in the body. Whenever I feel tired I know that I have not had enough water!
There are certain foods that maximize energy, too. Dr. Gillian McKeith, author of the book, You Are What You Eat, has this to say about her list of top energy foods:
1. Sprouts-all types. All types of sprouts (seeds of legumes or grains that have been germinated) are high-energy, life-enhancing foods that help improve, revitalize, strengthen and regenerate your body.
2. Grains. Grains release sugar slowly and give you a steady flow of energy instead of a quick high followed by a low. They are also a good source of B vitamins which are needed to assist the spleen, which jumpstart the energy in your body.
3. Oats. Oats are packed with evergy nutrients and also keep blood glucose levels at an even keel to help maintain concentration and alertness.
4. Parsley. Parsley is a nutrient powerhouse. It contains high levels of vitamin B12, more vitamin than citrus fruits and just about all other known nutrients.
5. Seaweed. Sea vegetables, or seaweeds, are the highest digestible source of all minerals as well as energy-boosting vitamins B and C.
6. Vegetables. The range of B complex vitamins, plus the energy nutrients magnesium and iron, can be found in fresh green (preferably raw) vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, and spinach. Broccoli is also a good source of coenzyme Q10, a critical nutrient for energy production at a cellular level.
7. Peaches. Peaches have a high water content and a laxative effect. They alkalinize the bloodstream, regulate the bowel and build the blood. Peaches help eliminate toxins from the body and are a good food to eat on a weight loss program.
8. Flax Seeds. Flax seeds, or linseeds, contain abundant levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) and in perfect balance. EFAs are involved in energy production and oxygen transfer.
9. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are packed with magnesium, iron, copper, protein, vitamin B complex, EFAs and zinc. They are great to have on hand for a instant energy pick-me-up!
10. Grapes. Grapes are very high in magnesium which is involved in the first stage of the process that converts energy to glucose.
11. Yams and Squash. Yams are packed with energy minerals and tons of vitamin C. They detoxify and balance the hormones and blood sugar levels. Squash aids in circulation and digestive function.
12. Wheatgrass. Wheatgrass has one of the most prolific array of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It contains 25 times the nutrients than vegetables. It looks like grass and needs to be juiced. It also comes in a powder, capsule or tablet.
13. Mung Beans. Provides you with tons of energy.

~Eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of bigger, heavier meals, is also a great way to increase energy. The fittest people always say they have more energy when they eat healthy foods often (2 1/2 to 3 hours apart) and always leave the table a tad hungry instead of stuffing themselves. We all know that stuffing ourselves make us tired and lethargic, and sometimes downright sick.

~Dr. McKeith also suggests reducing your intake of sugar, caffeine and dairy foods at lunch and opt instead for brown rice, legumes, yams and sunflower seeds. Also a B Complex vitamin (50 mg) can boost your adrenal function which in turn boosts metabolism and energy.

~Hot water with the herb astragalus and ginseng is a natural source of B vitamins that helps with an afternoon energy slump.

~Small bursts of exercising also is a great energy builder. A brisk walk, your 2 minute body work (see Holiday Health Maintenance Plan in the fitness section) or even a 5 minute stretching or yoga routine.

~Also getting enough sleep is very important to our energy levels. We all know we need 8 hours of sleep, but none of us really seem to get it. The 20 minute cat-nap does wonders in giving us a little recharge throughout the day. Getting adequate sleep helps to keep our minds alert and healthy, thus keeping us happier and even helps us maintain a healthy weight.

~Another great way to feel energized is to be HAPPY! Happy people seem to have so much energy! When I am down and out I have NO energy, but when I am HAPPY, I seem to have tons of it! Doesn't it always seem that way? Please refresh yourself with the 12 Ways To Get Happy post in the happiness section. Whenever I feel a tad down and out, I go over the list just to remind myself that I have a choice and that I have so much to be happy about. Sometimes it is just too easy to feel sorry for myself, so I need a little jumpstart!

I want to have all the energy I need to be able to be the person God created me to be. We CAN have more ENERGY and I hope a few of these ideas can give you the energy YOU need to be the person God created YOU to be!

Blessings of Health to all of you!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


What a beautiful time of year to give since this Christmas season is all about what WE have been given! A precious baby on Christmas day! It is the only gift we need! And since we have been given the Perfect gift, we in turn want to give. Here are some ideas for giving:
Body + Soul magazines's 6 Secrets to giving are:
1. Start with gratitude. Write down what you're most thankful for and make a point to share at least one item on your list.
2. Keep it simple. Small gestures often make the biggest impact. Smile at a stranger, offer someone a sincere compliment, or buy someone lunch for no reason.
3. Give up expectations. Let go of judgments about how your gift will be put to use. Once you've given it, your gift will take care of itself.
4. Receive graciously. Giving without receiving will deplete your energy. Remember to be receptive to what others are eager to share.
5. Wing it. Resist the urge to plan all gift-giving in one sitting. Stay open to the gift-giving
opportunities that occur naturally throughout any given day.
6. Challenge yourself. What are you hesitant to give? Your time? Unconditional love? Ask why and try to let those hang-ups go.

Susan Branch's "The Best Gifts Are Tied With Heartstrings"
The Gift of Enthusiasm: When you go out shopping wear something festive for the season~a pin or a bright scarf or hat. Smile at everyone, spread sunshine, do your part~be an elf!
A Gift of Wonder: Fill your child's closet with balloons so that when he or she opens it there's a big surprise!
A Gift of Love: Enroll someone in your own personal Treat-of-the-Month Club. Make a little coupon that promises one special homemade dish a month, a casserole, or a dessert~very good for someone who might be alone alot.
The Gift of Fun: Take time to romp in the snow~make snow angels & snowmen~go ice skating. Come in cold & frosty to something hot from the stove.
A Gift of Contentedness: Stop everything & count your blessings. Have a nice glass of hot cider in front ot the fire with the one you love. (She said 'champaigne' but I do not wish to encourage the drinking of alcohol so I put in cider!)
The Gift of Pleasure: Tuck a little note into lunchbox or pocket~or maybe into a suitcase. Put in a cartoon or douse it with perfume or stick on some stickers to make it look cute~ say something sweet.
The Gift of Yourself: Your time can be a most precious gift~a phone call or letter~cook a lovely dinner, set a pretty table, & invite good friends.
The Gift of Faith: Before you go to bed on December 31st join hands, say a prayer & make a wish for the coming year.

There are many bible verses about giving. Here are a few:

"Give and it shall be given unto you;" Luke 6:38

"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." II Corinthians 9:7

" I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said , It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35

Enjoy the gift of Christmas and all of God's love that goes with it! Remember that our gifts do not have to be grand. Jesus came in the most humble way! It is a good reminder as this busy world seems to pull us into wanting more! We don't need more~we have it ALL in Jesus!

Know that you are loved this Christmas!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Easy Cleansing Drinks

Here are a few excellent cleansing drinks to help clean out our bodies. They are simple and easy and all have wonderful benefits!

1. Water. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day (water in coffee does not count!) helps to flush out by-products of fat breakdown, cleanses the kidneys, hydrates the skin to make us look younger and combats illness by hydrating all of our internal organs, helps with weight loss and reduces hunger. Many sources say to drink 1/2 to 1 ounce of water for every pound of body weight, which I believe to be a good guideline. I currently try to drink between a 1/2 gallon to a gallon of water per day, though I rarely make it to a gallon. It is more like 10-12 glasses.

2. Warm water. Warm water, especially in the morning preps the stomach for food by stimulating the glands in the stomach, flushes out the kidneys, and helps bowels move regularly and naturally. Very soothing and calming on the stomach which in turn calms our nerves!

3. Warm water with lemon. The lemon in the water aids digestion and weight loss, purifies the blood, helps with rhuematism and arthritis, reduces fever,, helps with curing respitory disorders and throat infections, improves the skin, and even aids in dental care. Use juice from 1/2 fresh lemon into 1 cup of warm or hot water.

4. Cranberry water. (1 part sugar-free cranberry juice to 4 parts pure water) Cranberry assists the lymphatic system by helping to flush out toxins and fats, helps build strong blood vessels, reduces blood sugar, reduces cravings, and helps cure urinary tract infections. Drinking cranwater is said to help eliminate cellulite!

5. Jillian Michaels Cleansing Drink. Here is a recipe that I am currently using from The Biggest Loser trainer, Jillian Michaels.
It is said to help with flushing out excess water weight and to help with bloating, etc. She claims that you could lose 5# or more of excess water weight by drinking this throughout the day for 7 days. Here it is:

60 oz. of distilled water
1 T sugar-free cranberry juice
1 dandelion root tea bag
2 T lemon juice

1. Combine all ingredients
2. Drink throughout the day

I am drinking it as a variation of all of the other drinks listed above. I already had the dandelion tea and I usually like to drink lemon or cranwater anyway, so I thought I would give it a try.

Enjoy your health!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

10 Thoughts On Whole Living

These ideas came from Body + Soul magazine which I thought were nice to think about.

10 Thoughts On Whole Living:

1. Find a few minutes each day to completely unplug.
2. Giving to others is the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves.
3. See physical fitness as a practice, not a goal.
4. This winter, make it a point to heed your need for solitude.
5. The secret to beautiful skin starts with what you put inside you body.
6. Try doing even the most menial tasks mindfully and with grace.
7. The quality of your connections with other people will carry you further than you think.
8. Just because a no-frills home remedy is simple doesn't mean it won't work.
9. If you want to eat healthier, try giving yourself the benefit of better choices.
10. Home isn't a place. It's a state of mind.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Christmas Excitement and a Few Breakfast Recipes

Yesterday was the beginning of the Christmas season for me and my family! I went shopping with my girls and their friends (we split up, of course!). It was very enjoyable. I made it to Target for one coveted thing and then to the mall where I got a few things for Christmas plus new winter jackets for the little boys from JC Penny's for $17.99 a piece. Early Bird special! What a deal!

Stopped at REI and believe it or not, I am DONE with my Christmas shopping! I am trying to keep it simple, remember, and I think it is more in my attitude than anything! I want to feel relaxed and enjoy everything about Christmas so I didn't stress about anything! (I am getting older and a tiny bit wiser! I refuse to get stressed!)

That said, I know I still had to be somewhat organized as far as my lists go and all. (Heaven knows it is NOT my house that is organized!). So I made my list some time ago, made a few adjustments along the way and a few pit stops here and there along with my regular errands!

Lenny found some giant evergreen trees that were being hauled away for a land clearing and he cut the top off of one and him and Jacob hauled it back to our house. We have our Christmas tree! God provides!

Last night, we took all the kids plus a few extra to the local Fantasy of Lights parade. It is my favorite parade of the year. All the floats are in lights: dogs, children, silly characters, nativity scenes, horse and buggy and even Santa at the end! The bands (4 of them!) and the children's choir play and sing traditional Christmas carols. I always bring hot chocolate and doughnuts! We end up with a small gathering of friends that make it to the parade each year, too!

These pics are from

It brought joy to my heart! Christmas is coming! The precious time of year to focus on the birth of Jesus and all the blessings that come with it!

A time of GIVING and RECEIVING! GIVE the joy, RECEIVE the joy! It is very important to RECEIVE as well as GIVE!

Tomorrow is the first Sunday in Advent, the time that commemorates the special period leading up to the celebration of Jesus' birth. I think I will make a special recipe that was given to me years ago as a Chrismas morning breakfast recipe. I just adjusted it for a 'cleaner' version.
I had planned on this post being about quick healthy breakfasts, but I am so excited for the Christmas season that I HAD to mention the parade and all! So now, I will add a few extra recipes with the quick ones!

Since I am not the greatest with a camera yet (I am still working on it!), I do not have pictures. I guess I do it all backwards! Aren't I supposed to have the pics first and then the recipes? Oh well! It is a work in progress!

By the way, the Cranberries and Apple recipe was SO GOOD that the day after Thanksgiving I had to buy more cranberries so I could make it again! (Check the recipe bar on the side of this blog for the recipe.) I bought more sweet potatoes, too, because the sweet potato recipe I got from was awesome, also, and I plan on making that recipe time and time again, too.

Quick healthy breakfasts:
1. Handful of almonds (no more than 14, which is a serving-I take 7) and a piece of fruit
2. Piece of leftover chicken, turkey or fish straight from the fridge on top of whole-grain toast with a smear of plain yogurt on top and a bed of spinach. Okay, if you want the truth, several times I just grabbed the meat and put it on a handful of spinach and just ate it like a cavewoman! A few almonds would be a perfect addition!
3. Plain yogurt with a swirl of honey and a topping of granola OR nuts and raisins OR cut up fruit OR seeds and cinnamon. Whatever you have.
4. Oatmeal: boil water, put dry oatmeal in a bowl or cup, add water, cover with a saucer and let sit for a few minutes. Stir in natural nut butter, fruit, cinnamon, etc.
5. Homemade trail mix: Raw almonds and other nuts, raw seeds, raisins and other dried fruit with no added sugar or sulfites, dark chocolate chips (at least 60% cacoa, which is really GOOD for you!)
6. Whole-grain toast with natural nut butter
7. Protein shake (all natural) mixed with water, cow's milk, or rice or nut milk.
8. Smoothies: fruit, nuts, seed, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey or other natural sweetener, fruit, yogurt, milk

9. 1-2 hardboiled eggs.

Holiday Morning French Toast

1/2-3/4 c. honey
4 T butter, melted
3 t. cinnamon, divided
3 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored & thinly slice
1/2 c. dried cranberries
1 loaf of day-0ld whole-grain bread or 2 whole-grain baguettes, cut into 1" slices
6 eggs
1 1/2 c milk
2 t. vanilla

1. Combine honey, butter & 1 t cinnamon in 9 x 13" pan. Add apples and cranberries; coat well. Spread apple mixture evenly over bottom of pan. Arrange slices of bread on top.
2. Mix eggs, milk, vanilla and remaining 2 t cinnamon until well blended. Pour mixture over bread, soaking completely. Cover and refrigerate 4 to 24 hours.
3. Bake, covered with aluminum foil at 375* for 40 minutes. Uncover and bake 5 min. Remove from oven; let stand 5 min. Serve warm.

This is a beautiful-looking and wonderful smelling dish! I have made it for Christmas morning, but get it all ready the day before!

Another favorite at our house is Baked Oatmeal. We like to call it purrua bake!

1/2 c. oil
3/4 c. natural sweetener: honey, sucanat, evaporated cane juice crystals
4 eggs
6 c. oats 4 t baking powder
1 c. ground flaxseed
1/2 t. salt
1 t. cinnamon
1/2 to 1 c water (to moisten the flaxseed. You do not need to add water if you do not use the flaxseed.)
2 c. milk

Opt: you can add apple, berries, nuts and raisins etc.

Combine all ingredients in order listed. Pour into greased 9x13" pan. Bake at 375* for 30-40 minutes until lightly browned. Can refrigerate overnight before baking.

Top with banana and milk! Everyone loves this! The kids and even all of their friends! I usually make it plain without the optionals.

Remember the number one rule for the Christmas Season! ENJOY IT! and ABSOLUTELY NO STRESSING! Keep it simple, especially in your mind. Pray for peace and joy to fill your heart and that God give you a loving spirit and you WILL have a MAGICAL CHRISTMAS!

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Little Shepherdess

My very longest and dearest friend, Sarah, and I spent Saturday morning together celebrating her birthday. We met at the Antique Mall and enjoyed the next 2 hours roaming in and out of antique booths. We had so much fun! I found an antique book called "The King's Daughters" for one of my teenage daughters for Christmas. It has a red embossed cloth cover and was only $2.00. I have learned to love books from my Mom who has passed that love down to me!

I was happy as a little lark and would have walked around that day as if on a cloud just from that little 'book' find. But.....

I happened to spy a real blue fox fur stole in one booth. Of course, I had to try it on! And of course, the color was perfect for me! And the price was perfect, too! I bought it! I was having so much fun that it felt like MY birthday!

Sarah found a little boy's leather belt with a brass 'bull' buckle. She was happy to find that for one of her boys for Christmas.

I wanted to find some vintage buttons for my sewing and Linda was so very helpful. She showed me 2 booths with fun, pretty buttons and I so enjoyed sifting through all of the packages. I ended up going home with 3 nice little packages of pretty buttons.

It really was feeling like my birthday! I hope Sarah was having as much fun as I was! She said she was. I think she was happy just to see me having so much fun!

So then Sarah and I spotted a vintage feather boa wreath that we thought was so sweet. I said "I shoud just make that myself," which is what I usually say but have learned that I do not always get the darn thing made! So as we are wandering, Sarah spies a white vintage feather boa in another booth. So I add that to my growing pile. (I could get 2 wreaths made out of that 1 boa!)

We turn the corner and we spy this gorgeous oil painting in a gorgeaus antique frame and I absolutely fell in love with it! I would love to hang this beautiful painting above my fireplace!
Of course, it is priced way beyond my budget at this time, but I could not stop thinking about this painting! It reminds me of one of my favorite poems that I posted earlier, 'The Lamb."

It is called "The Little Shepherdess" and the original painting was done by Johann Baptist Hofner in 1866. (I went home and did a little research!) At one time it was auctioned at Christie's of London, so I had to check out their site, too!

I have learned to appreciate art as a homeschooling mom and expose it to my children through books and art calendars, but now I really want some on my wall!
Sarah is actually quite knowledgeable about oil paintings. She knew right away that the painting in the antique mall was not the original but was a copy of the original painted by someone else. I was so impressed!

So now, I am enjoying educating myself on fine art! I don't really need the original as it is just but a dream. I would be very happy with a fake that looked real!
This is so far my favorite painting:

This is a picture of the original painting that I found on the internet.

The reason I love it is because, to me, it reflects God's love for His children and I love children and I love lambs and I love nature and I LOVE this painting!

Sarah and I had a good day! It really felt like MY birthday!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Holiday Health Maintenance Plan

Okay, 6 days until Thanksgiving and 5 weeks until Christmas and 9 weeks until the New Year! Time is flying and wouldn't it be nice if we were a little ahead of the game instead of a little bit behind? It sure would be nice to greet the New Year knowing we had a wonderful Thanksgiving where we didn't completely stuff ourselves and then go to an average of 7 -10 Christmas gatherings and not completely stuff ourselves at each one of those, too! (7-10 is also the average weight gain in pounds during the holidays, too!)

Let's try to have a 'little' bit of self-control! Or maybe we just need a nice 'little' plan!

Here is a plan that we could use:

1. ENJOY THIS BEAUTIFUL SEASON! This is the number one rule!

2. Take your 'Tea Time' every morning (see 'Tea Time' post). This calms and centers us for the day ahead!

3. Stick with your workout plan trying not to let 2 days go by without exercising! If you do not already have a workout plan, start walking 3-4 times a week but no dilly dallying! Work up a sweat.

4. Add bursts of high-energy pace (really fast) with bursts of medium pace into your walking routine. For example, walk at medium pace for 2 minutes, pick up the pace considerably (practically running) for 1 minute, then back down to medium pace and then back up to high pace. Keep doing this for 20 minutes. This tricks the body into high-metabolism mode and burns fat much more efficiently. Of course, it works nicely with running, swimming and biking, too!

5. Put strength training into your day with this super-simple body weight plan:

It DOES NOT matter how old you are! You CAN do this!

Work in squats, push-ups and crunches throughout the day. When you get up in the morning, take 2 minutes to do 25 squats, 25 push-ups and 25 crunches one after the other. Of course, you can work up to the 25. Start with 10 each if you have to and before you know it you will be doing 25! Now, if you are pregnant or just can't seem to get on the floor for push-ups, you can do wall push-ups. Just put your hands on the wall and bring your feet as far away as you can and bring your nose to the wall. Hey! You have to start somewhere!

Now the trick is to do this 3-exercise-strength-training-set 4-5 times throughout the day, every day! It only takes a few minutes! I sneak them in whenever I walk into my room or into the bathroom. If you do 25 reps at a time, you will end up doing 100 squats, 100 push-ups and 100 crunches by the end of the day! Yay!

6. Make sure to drink your 8-10 glasses of water each day. Make it easy by always bringing a water bottle in the car. I get the big case of Ice Mountain at Costco and leave the whole case in my van. I have a reusable water bottle for the house.

7. Now what to do with all the food at all of these gatherings? First of all, remember, ENJOY THIS WONDERFUL TIME OF YEAR! But remember that 'failing to plan is a plan to fail'! It really is true! If a person wants to live a healthy lifestyle, a person has to plan. So:

Whatever dish you need to bring to the gathering, make sure it is a 'clean-eating' dish. Meaning GOOD FOR YOU HEALTHY INGREDIENTS! That way you always have something healthy to eat along with all of the other goodies. You could always offer to bring a veggie tray OR A BOWL OF MIXED BERRIES, too! But a nice healthy pumpkin pie would be much more fun to eat! *I will have a few recipes at the end of this post*

Remember the 50% plate rule? 50% of your plate should consist of veggies and fruit~preferably fresh, 25% should be your protein (meat etc), and 25% grains and starches.

This is just a rule of 'thumb'. It just feels good to have a PLAN!

8. Drink water on the way to the gathering or eat a piece of fruit so you are not so tempted to eat everything in sight!

9. Enjoy your favorites! But instead of going for seconds, sip slowly on your drink and visualize a fit and happy 'you'! You just KNOW someone will be secretly admiring your 'self control!' And then go into the bathroom and do 10 wall push-ups just to keep you focused! We are in CONTROL NOW!

10. Keep a notepad by your bed to write 5 things you are thankful for each night and maybe even a little summary of your exercise etc, and what your goals are. It is also a good time to breathe nice and deep (yoga breath-fill the belly with air on the inhale and feel the belly button sink back to the spine on the exhale). Know that this was a GOOD day!

Now a few 'clean-eating' recipes: (Make sure to check out the Cranberries and Apple recipe posted earlier.)


9" pie crust, unbaked *recipe follows*

2 c. cooked, mashed pumpkin

2 eggs, beaten

1/2 to 1/3 c. honey

2 T molasses (optional)

1 t. ground cinnamon

1/2 t. ground ginger

1/4 t. ground cloves

1 c. light cream or half-and-half or milk plus 2 T melted butter or yogurt

1/2 t vanilla

Blend filling ingredients with beater or blender. Pour into crust. Bake at 400` for 45-55 minutes, or until knife inserted halfway cetween center and crust comes out clean. Cool on rack.

Variation: Replace pumpkin with 2 c. cooked sweet potatoes, add 1/2 t. ground nutmeg and 1/2 c. unsweetened, shredded coconut, if desired. Bake at 350` for about 1 hour.


2 c. whole wheat flour

1 t. salt (optional)

1/2 c. oil

1/4 c. cold water

Stir flour and salt in a bowl. Combine oil and water and mix into flour with a fork. form into 2 balls with your hands and let sit, covered with a cloth, for 5 minutes. Roll out between sheets of waxed paper. Place rolled dough into pie plate; fill and bake. Makes 1-10" or 2-9" crusts.


This recipe is from Click onto the link for the recipe and nutritional value, etc. I am planning on making this. I think it sounds gourmet and the holidays is a perfect time for me to try anything gourmet. Otherwise, I am a pretty basic cook! I will still make the original stuffing for the kids. This website has a lot of great sounding recipes and I already have it bookmarked! For more healthy Thansgiving recipes, just look for the link that says Healthy Thanksgiving recipes. There is even a green bean casserole one that uses fresh mushrooms and a homemade white sauce!

Please remember, this is just a plan to keep us on track. I have NEVER followed a plan perfectly! I like to have a plan, though. I feel better and I enjoy and appreciate good, healthy food! I still enjoy good, unhealthy food, too, but the majority of the time I try to eat healthy!

There is a saying that I really believe to be true: "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels." That is so true. Just undereat once and awhile and you will know what I mean! We are so used to overeating that we hardly get the chance to feel what 'thin' feels like.

Please do not stress about anything during the holidays! Thanksgiving and Christmas are very special events that are supposed to bring us closer to our Heavenly Father. There is absolutely no reason to feel stressed! Just K.I.S.S! Keep It Simple, Sweetheart!

Plan on all shopping, etc, to be done by December 1st. In December, enjoy baking cookies and visiting and surprising someone with the gift of time (babysitting, running errands for etc). Christmas is not about shopping, though I know it has to be done. I refuse to let it dominate my entire Christmas season! I really do want a simple Christmas! To be able to enjoy our loved ones knowing we were first loved by God! (Please see earlier post "Can We have A Simple Christmas?" and check out the comments for a lot of wonderful ideas.)

Have a beautiful Thanksgiving and Christmas season!

PS. If anyone has an idea that works nicely for them, just let us all know! Or maybe a good healthy recipe, etc. Thanks! I love other peoples ideas!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


We have so much to be thankful for year after year! I think it is wonderful to know we still have the freedom to share our bounteous blessings with our loved ones. We still live in a country that sets aside a special day just for giving thanks! Now this is something to be thankful for! We have the brave men and women who have fought so courageously for our feedom to thank for this wonderful right! (So thank you, dear brave souls!) Since the days way back in the 1600s when the pilgrims bravely took the step to leave a country that took away their right to believe as they wanted, we still can believe as a christian to this day! We have so much to be thankful for!

Here are a few things I am thankful for this year:

1. Our freedom to believe.

2. The love of God, family and friends.

3. Food and shelter and clothing.

4. Health and happiness.

5. A loving husband.

6. My precious children.

7. A comfy bed.

8. Babies in heaven.

9. My church family.

10. Fresh air and sunshine.

11. A paycheck!

12. The Old Rugged Cross!

13. My own little piece of earth.

14. The sound of children's laughter.

15. God's precious word.

16. Music.

17. Good books.

18. A dependable car.

19. Safety.

20. Clean water.

21. The freedom to dream.

22. Our daily bread.

23. Grace.

Oh, I know their are so many more things, like getting a front row parking spot at the mall or being thankful that my stocking didn't fall down to my ankle the other week at church. (I had to go into the kitchen at church and look for safety pins. I didn't find any, but I did find some paperclips that worked just fine! Phew!) Now you know that I am not the most 'prepared' person around.

Here are a few ideas for Thanksgiving:

1. You can make a Thankful Tree. Draw a tree onto a large piece of paper and stick it on the fridge and everyone in the family can write something they are thankful for on a separate piece of paper and then stick it on one of the tree branches.

2. Have the kids make up a play for thanksgiving, or recite a poem or sing a song or tell silly jokes and then they can entertain the adults after dinner.

3. Have slips of paper for the guests to write down what they are thankful for and put them all in a bowl. Then everyone can pick out a slip of paper and read it aloud.

4. Print out coloring pages for the kids at and find craft ideas etc.

5. Make a beautiful centerpiece:

This idea is from


footed container

floral foam

floral tape

fresh plums

white mini pumpkins

hydrangea, fresh or dried

grapevine balls

seeded eucalyptus sprays

wooden skewers

hot glue and glue sticks

1. Find a container and put water-saturated floral foam inside making sure to cut the foam 1-2" above the container. (A hollowed out pumpkin is a good container, too.)

2. Crisscross floral tape over the foam and attach to inside of container.

3. Insert skewers into mini pumpkins and plums. You may have to shorten the skewers.

4. Attach grapevine balls to skewers with hot glue and add to arrangement.

5. Fill spaces between plums, pumpkins and grapevine balls with hydrangea. Add branches of seeded eucalyptus for texture.

Now enjoy these last few days before Thanksgiving to soak in all of God's goodness! Find a little quiet time and write out your lists (to do, to buy, to be thankful for!) and find a little bit of fun and laughter in your days! We only have one life to live and I believe that God wants us to really enjoy it! It is not all work, you know! But if it seems like all work and no play, we just have to stop and 'smell the roses', change the routine a little, take a deep breath and say, 'aahh!'

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Baked Cranberries and Apple

This is a recipe from Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Cookbook. ( I am going to make this for Thanksgiving. I think it looks beautiful and all the ingredients are good for you!
Baked Cranberries and Apple
Yield: 4 servings
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 40 minutes
1-12 oz. bag fresh cranberries, rinsed
1 large Mutsu or other firm apple, peeled, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup pure maple syrup
peel of one orange, cut into ribbons
juice of 1/2 fresh orange
2 cinnamon sticks
pinch ground nutmeg
1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Prepare a medium casserole dish by spraying with a touch of olive oil.
3. Combine all ingredients in mixing bowl and toss until well mixed. Place in casserole dish and cover. Bake for 30 minutes.
4. Remove lid and bake 10 more minutes or until sauce turns to syrup and fruit is cooked.
Tosca's Tips: Mutsu apples, also known as Crispin apples, are large, sweet and firm. Make this recipe your own by experimenting with different types of apples.
1/2 cup serving: 190 calories, 4 g fat, 42 g carbs, 13 g fiber, 4 g protein, 58 mg sodium, 0 g cholesterol

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Natural Cleaning Closet

Cleaning house does not have to be toxic! I have have been using natural products for many years and most of these items are found in the pantry! Here is an easy list of what you need to clean your house naturally:

1. White vinegar: water and vinegar, anywhere from 1 tablespoon vinegar to a cup of water to half vinegar, half water is perfect for washing windows, disinfecting the bathroom, neutralizing little child pee on mattresses, floors etc and as a general cleaner for floors and just about everything! You can add essestial oil to take away some of the vinegar smell or sometimes I add lemon juice to the bottle, though it probably should be refrigerated then. You can also use 1/2-1 cup vinegar to the laundry rinse cycle as a fabric softener. vinegar is also good for cleaning out the toilet bowl, let it soak for 5 minutes, then brush and flush. A sprinkle of baking soda used with the vinegar can help remove a stubborn ring.

2. Olive oil: a few drops of olive oil to 1/2 cup of white vinegar is a great wood cleaner for furniture or floors. You can also use cider vinegar for dark wood. You can add a few drops of lemon juice, also, which then should be refrigerated.

3. Baking soda: Mix a little baking soda in a cup of warm water as a general cleaner to wipe toys and baby furniture, carseat, stroller, etc. I always put baking soda in my kitchen trash can to absorb odors. I also sprinkle the carpets now and then with baking soda, let sit for a few hours and then vacuum. I scrub my counters by sprinkling baking soda on them and then adding a little water. I let it sit for awhile and then scrub down. You could also use vinegar with the soda. This solution also works for clogged drains. Follow with a flush of boiling water.

4. Lemon juice: I squeeze fresh lemon on my countertops to disinfect. I just let them sit for a few minutes then I wipe off. Lemon is a natural disinfectant. You can use it on cutting boards, counters and even with water to disinfect toys etc. Slices of lemon peel can be put in the kitchen garbage disposal to disinfect and add a nice fresh scent to the sink.

5. Salt: Plain old salt can be used as an abrasive cleanser for tubs. Other good abrasive natural cleansers are baking soda or borax. Just dampen a sponge, add natural cleanser and scrub and rinse.

6. Borax: Borax is a natural mineral that is safe for the environment but still needs to be out of reach of children. Half borax and half baking soda is what I have been using for 7 years now as my *laundry detergent AND my dishwasher detergent. I use 1/4 cup or so for a load of laundry and 2 tablespoons for the dishwasher-1 tablespoon in each compartment. This has always worked for me unless Lenny forgets to put in more water softener, then I get the film on the dishes, but I would get the film even with storebought detergent so I really don't think that it's an issue of what detergent I am using. I really should look into buying borax in bulk. I usually buy it in a 4# box from Wal-Mart. I get my baking soda from Costco. I think it is a 12# bag.
Borax is a tough toilet bowl scrubber. Just leave on overnight and scrub and flush in the morning. You can also add lemon juice to the borax, make a paste, scrub onto toilet bowl (flush first to wet the sides of bowl), let sit for 2 hours and scrub and flush. It is also a great heavy-duty cleaner around the home: into a gallon of warm water, stir one tablespoon of borax and 1 tablespoon of liquid soap (not detergent).

7. Hydrogen Peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is also good as a disinfectant. Mix half hydrogen peroxide and half water in a spray bottle. Use all around the house. You can also use it on mirrors. I heard it is a good alternative as a gentle bleach and I plan on trying it soon as I do not generally use bleach. I have done a little research that hydrogen peroxide is a great pool cleaner but have not tried that yet, either. I would like to. I guess you can buy it fairly cheap in bulk for that purpose. Hydrogen peroxide has many other helpful uses like: a natural tooth whitener, mouthwash, cleaner for cuts and scrapes, foot fungus inhibitor etc.

*Their are other natural laundry detergent recipes that make a large amount that use borax, washing soda and Fels Naptha soap that others have used. Myra gave me the recipe years ago and Rebecca has made it. I guess I find the borax/baking soda mixture too convenient because I never got around to making this recipe. Anyway, here it is:

4 cups hot tap water
1 Fels-Naptha soap bar
1 cup washing soda (washing soda is less refined then baking soda, making it more caustic, non-edible and less expensive.)
1/2 cup borax

1. Grate bar of soap and add to saucepan with water. Stir continually over medium-low heat until soap dissolves and is melted.

2. fill a 5 gallon bucket half full of hot tap water. Add melted soap, washing soda and borax. Stir well until all powder is dissolved. fill bucket to top with more hot water. Stir, cover and let sit overnight to thicken.

3. Stir and fill a used, clean, laundry soap dispenser half full with soap and then fill rest of way with water. Shake before each use (will gel).

Optional: You can add 10-15 drops of essential oil per 2 gallons. Add once soap has cooled.

Makes 10 gallons.
Top load machines: 5/8 cup per load
Front load: 1/4 cup per load

Happy cleaning! (If there is such a thing!) If you have any other natural cleaning ideas just send us all a little note. It is nice to get all the ideas we can get, especially if it makes our house healthier and safer!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I Have A Headache! Can You Come and Rub My Feet?

Lenny: I have a horrible headache! I don't know, I think it's a stress headache! I have to lay down for awhile. Do you think you could rub my big toe for a little while?

Laura: Of course, Honey! Just lay down on the couch and take your socks off. I have nothing going on anyway.

Lenny: Really? Oh, great!

Laura gently puts pressure on Lenny's big toe.

Lenny: Ow, ow, that hurts! Not so much pressure.

Laura lessens the pressure.

Lenny: Ow! It still hurts too much!

Laura: Sheesh, I barely touched it! Is this better? (Very, very light pressure.)

Lenny: Yeah, that's better. (Laura is barely touching the toe at this point.)

Laura continues to very, very gently touch Lenny's big toe and says: How does it feel now, Honey?

Lenny: My headache is starting to go away! Wow, I can't believe it. But just rub my toe a little longer, could you please? (He is very gracious about asking. He should know by now that I run when he calls, but I guess he feels he should say please every once in awhile.)

Laura: Sure, Honey, I have nothing going.

Lenny: Oh, thanks! (He closes his eyes and is probably thinking he married the right woman!)

Within 10 minutes Lenny's headache is gone and we all live happily ever after!

This is a true story, mostly! I do not run when he calls and I always have something going on. The rest is true.

Reflexology is a reflex technique, based on the neuro-biochemical action that is produced by stimulating a specific area of the foot that corresponds with a certain part of the body and that has a general or partial repercussion in the body.

In other words, an invisible map of the body is outlined on the foot and the reflexologist puts a specific amount of pressure on the foot to send a message from the nerve ending to the brain.

(There are over 7000 nerve endings in each foot.) That message in turn tells that specific body part to start working on whatever imbalance there may be.

The reflexologist does not do the healing, but encourages the body to heal itself! It is amazing! It is very relaxing and encourages the body to release stress and relax, which in turn creates a more healthy environment for healing!

The AMA says that 85% of illness is caused by stress! If we can reduce our stress, we will be healthier! Reflexology is just one way to help your body do just that!

I am a certified Reflexologist and if you have any questions, I will be happy to assist you in answering them! It is wonderful to find non-evasive, non-threatening and relaxing ways to heal our bodies!

Things you can do at home to assist your body in healing itself:

1. Find a golf ball and put it on the floor below your foot. Push down on the golf ball with whatever amount of pressure you need and roll the golf ball around to get to all the parts of the foot. You may find some very tender areas. You can work specifically on those areas a little more and then lightly on the rest of the foot. (If you have no golf balls around just let me know, I could send you one or two or 50,000!)

2. If someone in your family has a headache, put medium pressure with your thumb on the big toes, working one at a time. Work the entire toe and in the crease and underneath on the ball of the foot. This is also good for learning disabities and ADD, etc.

3. There are nerve endings in the hands, also, so you can press the soft spot between the thumb and the index finger to also relieve a headache.

4. To encourage a stubborn baby that does not want to come into this world on time, you can rub the area around the ankles of the expectant Mommy with firm pressure. We tried this on Crystal and her little darling was just WAY TOO STUBBORN! She decided she just wanted to be 18 days overdue! I do believe it helped Mommy to relax a little bit, though! It was successful for one of my pregnancies where the doctor wanted to induce me in the morning. I rubbed my ankles quite a bit the day before and I went into labor on my own! *Do not try this in your first trimester, though, as it really does encourage premature labor in some women!*

5. When a loved one is feeling sick, they love to feel pampered and reflexology can ease their aches and pains and feel loved at the same time. Just put pressure with the thumb on all areas of the foot. Using peppermint essential oil with lotion or a carrier oil does wonders, too. The peppermint is a natural pain and fever reducer.
I hope you can try a few of these ideas! It is always fun to come across new ways to incorporate different ways to bring a little peace into our lives!
Thanks for visiting!
Blessings to all of you!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Lamb

This is one of my favorite poems. It is by William Blake from 'Songs of Innocence', 1789.

It reminds me of all the sweet children in this world that were created so perfectly by God, each one having their own little gifts and blessing the world around them! If every child in this world knew that they were created perfectly and thus geniuses in that they were 'knit together' with so much love and by the most masterful Creator ever, I believe that we would have a little more happiness in this world. So I want to dedicate this poem to all the children in the world that no matter what the world sees them as, that God sees them perfect as He created them down to every last detail to be His perfect little child!

The Lamb by William Blake

Little Lamb, who made thee?
Dost thou know who made thee?

Gave thee life, and bid thee feed
By the stream and o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, wooly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?

Little Lamb, I'll tell thee,
Little Lamb, I'll tell thee:

He is called by thy name,
For he calls himself a Lamb.
He is meek, and he is mild;
He became a little child.
I a child, and thou a lamb,
We are called by his name.

Little Lamb, God bless thee!
Little Lamb, God bless thee!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Can We Have A Simple Christmas?

My Christmas's have always been magical! Beautiful decorations, a big real, live tree, and of course, lots of presents under the tree. I feel happy and content when I think back on those magical childhood Christmas's. Mom and Dad watching us open our presents and hoping to see excitement on our faces when we opened each one! Of course, we were so excited!

We always recieved Christmas pajamas on Christmas Eve from Mom and Dad and in the morning, there we were, my 5 brothers and me in coordinating Christmas pajamas, unwrapping paper that looked a lot like our pajamas! We had so much fun! It was like a scene out of....hmm....was it Good Housekeeping magazine, A Norman Rockwell painting? ....Or maybe it was simply a messed up living room with crazy-haired children in red and green pajamas!

Anyway, it seemed magical to me.

And when I think back, I barely remember what the presents were. It was the experience of it all and all the LOVE that went into Christmas!

Here we are~eight weeks to go before Christmas and with our first paycheck in quite awhile, I am thinking about how to keep Christmas magical and simple at the same time. I DO NOT want to forget the simple and sufficient way God has taken care of us during Lenny's unemployment. I DO NOT want to forget the blessings He has shown us. How easy it could be to start living high-on the-hog! From very little income to an actual 40 HOUR A WEEK PAYCHEK! WOW! We can live HIGH ON THE HOG NOW!

But I long for a simple Christmas. To remember that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ did not even have a home to lay His head when He preached the gospel on this earth! He was born in a barn with the animals and died on the cross without a home to call His own and here I am already making out my Christmas shopping list with our first real paycheck arriving any minute now.

I never want to forget the only TRUE gift of Christmas!

I would love to hear your ideas for a simple Christmas and how magical it can be!

Please post a comment and I thank you in advance! And as I come up with my own ideas I will share them with you!

Love, Laura

Monday, October 26, 2009

Generation Rescue and 1 Halloween Idea

Generation Rescue is a website designed to help those struggling with Autism, ADHD, or other neurological disorders. There is a lot of very helpful information as well as testimonials, stories etc. If anyone is at all interested, visit their website at

I also wanted to share a fun, more-healthy-than-usual treat for Halloween parties or treats for special Trick or Treaters. You stuff a medical glove with 5 candy corn and then homemade popcorn. The candy corn is supposed to look like the fingernails. It is very easy and fun to do with children. Tie a curling ribbon to close. You can get the gloves at the pharmacy section at most stores. Their are latex and powder-free versions. In the picture I have an opaque glove but at some stores you may be able to find the clear which I think look better. They look a little creepy! The kids LOVE them!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

12 Ways To Get Happy!

1. Decide to BE happy! We have a choice, you know!

"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalms 118:24

2. Be thankful! Each day, write down 5 things that you are thankful for.

3. Know that you are special! God created all of us and His work is perfect! He gave each of us gifts! Take time and ask Him to show you what your gifts are and then use them!

4. Do something for someone else! Smile at your loved ones or a stranger. Pick up your neighbors trash cans, send a card to a lonely person. It doesn't have to be grand.

5. Do something fun with a child! Sing! Play outside in the sunshine! You can always sing this song:
I am so glad that our Father in heaven
Tells of His love in the book He has given.

Wonderful things in the bible I see.
This is the dearest that Jesus loves me!

I am so glad that Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me! Jesus loves me.
I am so glad that Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves even me!

We can't help but be happy singing that song, especially with a child!

6. Exercise

7. Practice yoga and deep breathing-brings oxygen to our cells, relaxing us and bringing on happy hormones.

8. Laugh every day! We might need a little help with this. Just look again to children for inspiration on this. They are always laughing! Have a laughing party: just start laughing even if you have to fake it. Soon you will be laughing because it all is so ridiculous! Laughter heals!

9. Enjoy the simple gift of nature! Just get outside and breathe in the air, shuffle your feet through the leaves, lay down on the grass and try to look for birds. Find shapes in the clouds. Walk by the water and just marvel at all of God's creation!

10. Find someone to love! Your spouse, your children, someone else's child. Call your brother or sister and talk about old times. Take your mom or dad or grandparents out to lunch. Really think about how to find that love again for all of the people in your life. Find others that need loving and share what overflows from your heart.

11. Learn to forgive and try hard to forget!

12. Know that you are loved! God wants us to be happy!

"We love him, because he first loved us!" I John 4:19

"These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full." John 15:11

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13

"Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall reeive, that your joy may be full." John 16:24

"Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." Psalm 16:11