Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Just A Few Things

Just a few things I would love to share with all of you:

The Eat Clean Diet Newsletter has 4 tips to get your dream body: http://www.eatcleandiet.com/
1. Eat Clean!
~This is THE biggest factor! We could exercise until we are blue in the face, but if we choose to reinforce our bodies with worthless junk, the dream body just ain't gonna happen!
~Ditch the processed foods, white flour, white sugar, junk etc.
~Focus on whole foods.
~Read the ingredient list and stay away from anything you can't seem to figure out what it is.

2. Schedule a time, perhaps 2 times a week, for meal planning and preparation.
~It takes some effort but so worth it.
~Pack a cooler for the car
~No more running through the drive-thru when your hungry or picking up pizza for dinner when all your meals are planned and prepared to start your meals off right!
~Grill up a big batch of chicken breast or cook whole chickens and make a big batch of brown rice for tossing with veggies, spices, etc or putting in soup.
~Chop and store fresh veggies and herbs for grilling, stir-frys, salads, soups etc.

3. Get Active.
~Expect yourself to set up a time for evercise at least 4 times a week. Expect is a key word here!

4. Don't feel guilty!
~Just try for consistency, not perfection.
~ I always like to say: "We'll be perfect in Heaven!"
~It's just not going to happen here!

Okay, so that's that! You can find tons more inspiration at http://www.eatcleandiet.com/


I also received a newsletter from Precious Health Campaign.
~Anyone at all interested in what is in vaccines, the latest legislature on vaccines or anything else you may be wondering about vaccines, please visit http://www.childhoodshots.com/ and just browse around on the site.
~I happened to watch Mary Tocco's dvd "Are Vaccines Safe?" a few years ago and found it to be quite helpful in helping me clarify a few things about vaccines.
~I even sent an email with a question I had to the website and I received a response right away.
~They really just want everyone to get more informed about what options we have as parents of our very precious children.
~It is definitely something to look into.

One more thing that I just have to say:

~Of course, it is just my opinion, but if anyone out there that is residing in the beautiful state of Michigan and is ready for a new Governor, I highly recommend you check out Pete Hoekstra's web page at http://www.hoekstraforgovernor.com/.

~He is 100% pro-life, fights for the rights of parents etc.
~The primaries are this coming Tuesday, August 3, and I urge everyone who loves life to vote!

Thanks for reading and I hope you found something that inspires you!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Jesus, Tender Shepherd" and the Best Earache Remedy

The other night our almost 4 year old woke up in the middle of the night with an earache.

I bet it was from swimming every day during the hot weather that we had.

My old stand-by remedy is to crush a clove of garlic and then mix it with a tiny bit of water to create somewhat of a paste.

I dab the garlic paste onto the outside of her ear with a cotton swab.

I do not go into the ear canal, but I do dab it onto the earlobe.

Then I warm a rice-filled sock or just a plain dry cloth and hold it onto her ear.

I usually put a drop of peppermint oil on the sock or cloth, but our teenage daughter was using it for cramps and she wasn't at home at the time.

So this time I just used a warm cloth.

Then I gave her reflexology on the bottom top half of her foot (the side that the earache was on)~the toes and the area just underneath the toes.

I use firm pressure with my fingers and thumb.

Of course, this little child came into our bed and I asked her if she wanted me to sing her a song.

She did.

She chose "Jesus, Tender Shepherd" which is a bedtime song that my grandparents sung to me and all of my cousins.

All of us cousins still love that song to this day and we fondly connect to each other whenever it is brought up.

It is a favorite with all of our children, too!

Our little 'earache child' went to sleep shortly after and she slept the rest of the night!
Here are the words to our favorite bedtime song, which is actually a prayer but we have always known it with a little tune.

"Jesus, Tender Shepherd"

Jesus, Tender Shepherd, hear me;
Bless thy little lamb tonight;
Through the darkness be Thou near me,
Keep me safe till morning light.

All this day thy hand has led me,
And I thank thee for thy care;
Thou has warmed me, clothed and fed me;
Listen to my evening prayer!

Let my sins be all forgiven;
Bless the friends I love so well:
Take us all at last to heaven,
Happy there with thee to dwell.

If by chance you happen to see one of us 'Storm' relatives and you want to know the tune, we would be delighted to share it with you!

May God bless your days and your nights!

PS. Don't you just adore the painting? I found it on http://www.allposters.com/ and the original was painted by Bartholome Esteban Murillo.

The title is called, "Christ Child as Shepherd"

I am putting it on my list of favorites.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Grow Your Own Drugstore"

Lenny was flipping through my 'vacation' magazine (June 7 th issue of Woman's World) and came across a wonderful tip for poison ivy itching.

Find an impatiens plant, slice the stem and rub the inside on the poison ivy itch.

It works amazingly well.

You can smooth wrinkles with chamomile by steeping 1 t fresh or dried blossoms in 1 cup hot water for 15-20 minutes, strain and pat on as a facial wash.

The scent of geraniums bring on happy hormones with the added bonus of keeping mosquitos away.

Aloe is great for burns. Just break off a stalk and squeeze the gel right onto the burn.

Sniffing basil boosts energy, reduces migraines and eases depression.

Fill an old sock with the flowers, leaves and roots of ground ivy, hang it on the faucet as you fill your tub and soak for 20 minutes. This will ease back pain and sciatica and also give you softer skin.

Chickweed relieves itches, bee stings and bug bites. Slice open the stem and apply.

Find your joy, peace, happiness and natural remedies while working in your garden enjoying the fresh air, sunshine and earth!
God's bounty is right at our fingertips!

Have a Happy Day!