Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Jesus, Tender Shepherd" and the Best Earache Remedy

The other night our almost 4 year old woke up in the middle of the night with an earache.

I bet it was from swimming every day during the hot weather that we had.

My old stand-by remedy is to crush a clove of garlic and then mix it with a tiny bit of water to create somewhat of a paste.

I dab the garlic paste onto the outside of her ear with a cotton swab.

I do not go into the ear canal, but I do dab it onto the earlobe.

Then I warm a rice-filled sock or just a plain dry cloth and hold it onto her ear.

I usually put a drop of peppermint oil on the sock or cloth, but our teenage daughter was using it for cramps and she wasn't at home at the time.

So this time I just used a warm cloth.

Then I gave her reflexology on the bottom top half of her foot (the side that the earache was on)~the toes and the area just underneath the toes.

I use firm pressure with my fingers and thumb.

Of course, this little child came into our bed and I asked her if she wanted me to sing her a song.

She did.

She chose "Jesus, Tender Shepherd" which is a bedtime song that my grandparents sung to me and all of my cousins.

All of us cousins still love that song to this day and we fondly connect to each other whenever it is brought up.

It is a favorite with all of our children, too!

Our little 'earache child' went to sleep shortly after and she slept the rest of the night!
Here are the words to our favorite bedtime song, which is actually a prayer but we have always known it with a little tune.

"Jesus, Tender Shepherd"

Jesus, Tender Shepherd, hear me;
Bless thy little lamb tonight;
Through the darkness be Thou near me,
Keep me safe till morning light.

All this day thy hand has led me,
And I thank thee for thy care;
Thou has warmed me, clothed and fed me;
Listen to my evening prayer!

Let my sins be all forgiven;
Bless the friends I love so well:
Take us all at last to heaven,
Happy there with thee to dwell.

If by chance you happen to see one of us 'Storm' relatives and you want to know the tune, we would be delighted to share it with you!

May God bless your days and your nights!

PS. Don't you just adore the painting? I found it on and the original was painted by Bartholome Esteban Murillo.

The title is called, "Christ Child as Shepherd"

I am putting it on my list of favorites.

1 comment:

Heather Storm said...

Can i get an AMEN to that one! :-)
What joy it is to read and sing along to one of my favorite most fondest memories of Grandmother Storm singing this prayer ever so gently in my ears. . . Praise God for the amazing memories we have to share with one another.
Thanks for the email. . . you blessed my afternoon.
It was wonderful to see the "pink" room again and the sunlight dancing along the bay.
Love you dear cousin and family,
p.s. tell Josaphine that we have to have another "american idol rematch" I still laugh that we played such a fun game together. . . . another great memory i'll cherish . . .she made me smile the whole way home. . . American Idol c'mon way too stinkin cute hey ;-p