Saturday, December 12, 2009

Boundless Energy!

My top health goal is to have boundless energy! I love to find any information that will help me with increasing my energy and I thought I would share with you what I have found!
~The number one way for me to get more energy is to drink a lot of water to nourish and bathe every cell in the body. Whenever I feel tired I know that I have not had enough water!
There are certain foods that maximize energy, too. Dr. Gillian McKeith, author of the book, You Are What You Eat, has this to say about her list of top energy foods:
1. Sprouts-all types. All types of sprouts (seeds of legumes or grains that have been germinated) are high-energy, life-enhancing foods that help improve, revitalize, strengthen and regenerate your body.
2. Grains. Grains release sugar slowly and give you a steady flow of energy instead of a quick high followed by a low. They are also a good source of B vitamins which are needed to assist the spleen, which jumpstart the energy in your body.
3. Oats. Oats are packed with evergy nutrients and also keep blood glucose levels at an even keel to help maintain concentration and alertness.
4. Parsley. Parsley is a nutrient powerhouse. It contains high levels of vitamin B12, more vitamin than citrus fruits and just about all other known nutrients.
5. Seaweed. Sea vegetables, or seaweeds, are the highest digestible source of all minerals as well as energy-boosting vitamins B and C.
6. Vegetables. The range of B complex vitamins, plus the energy nutrients magnesium and iron, can be found in fresh green (preferably raw) vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, and spinach. Broccoli is also a good source of coenzyme Q10, a critical nutrient for energy production at a cellular level.
7. Peaches. Peaches have a high water content and a laxative effect. They alkalinize the bloodstream, regulate the bowel and build the blood. Peaches help eliminate toxins from the body and are a good food to eat on a weight loss program.
8. Flax Seeds. Flax seeds, or linseeds, contain abundant levels of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) and in perfect balance. EFAs are involved in energy production and oxygen transfer.
9. Sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are packed with magnesium, iron, copper, protein, vitamin B complex, EFAs and zinc. They are great to have on hand for a instant energy pick-me-up!
10. Grapes. Grapes are very high in magnesium which is involved in the first stage of the process that converts energy to glucose.
11. Yams and Squash. Yams are packed with energy minerals and tons of vitamin C. They detoxify and balance the hormones and blood sugar levels. Squash aids in circulation and digestive function.
12. Wheatgrass. Wheatgrass has one of the most prolific array of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. It contains 25 times the nutrients than vegetables. It looks like grass and needs to be juiced. It also comes in a powder, capsule or tablet.
13. Mung Beans. Provides you with tons of energy.

~Eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of bigger, heavier meals, is also a great way to increase energy. The fittest people always say they have more energy when they eat healthy foods often (2 1/2 to 3 hours apart) and always leave the table a tad hungry instead of stuffing themselves. We all know that stuffing ourselves make us tired and lethargic, and sometimes downright sick.

~Dr. McKeith also suggests reducing your intake of sugar, caffeine and dairy foods at lunch and opt instead for brown rice, legumes, yams and sunflower seeds. Also a B Complex vitamin (50 mg) can boost your adrenal function which in turn boosts metabolism and energy.

~Hot water with the herb astragalus and ginseng is a natural source of B vitamins that helps with an afternoon energy slump.

~Small bursts of exercising also is a great energy builder. A brisk walk, your 2 minute body work (see Holiday Health Maintenance Plan in the fitness section) or even a 5 minute stretching or yoga routine.

~Also getting enough sleep is very important to our energy levels. We all know we need 8 hours of sleep, but none of us really seem to get it. The 20 minute cat-nap does wonders in giving us a little recharge throughout the day. Getting adequate sleep helps to keep our minds alert and healthy, thus keeping us happier and even helps us maintain a healthy weight.

~Another great way to feel energized is to be HAPPY! Happy people seem to have so much energy! When I am down and out I have NO energy, but when I am HAPPY, I seem to have tons of it! Doesn't it always seem that way? Please refresh yourself with the 12 Ways To Get Happy post in the happiness section. Whenever I feel a tad down and out, I go over the list just to remind myself that I have a choice and that I have so much to be happy about. Sometimes it is just too easy to feel sorry for myself, so I need a little jumpstart!

I want to have all the energy I need to be able to be the person God created me to be. We CAN have more ENERGY and I hope a few of these ideas can give you the energy YOU need to be the person God created YOU to be!

Blessings of Health to all of you!


Unknown said...

Great tips, Laura! Keep up the motivating info. We could all use lessons on how to eat better. Do you take wheatgrass? If so, what form? I wonder if any other form than freshly juiced is quite inferior???


Unknown said...

Hi Joan, I haven't taken wheatgrass before, but I do believe that the juice would be better as it would be less processed. I am sure the other forms are still quite beneficial, though, too. Thank you for your comments!