Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Monday Mantra

The alarm goes off.

Is it morning already?

Am I ready to face the day?


"This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will REJOICE and BE GLAD in it!" (Psalm 118:24)

This is the day the Lord HAS MADE!

I will rejoice and be GLAD in it!

We have a choice!

Be Glad or

Be Mad!

I am going to be glad! I am going to be GLAD!

I know! I know! It is not always easy to be glad!

But why isn't it?


I don't know! I guess it is just as easy as it is hard!

I just have to make a choice!

So I am going to say my Happy Monday Mantra all day.

~When I have to wake the kids up 5 times: This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be glad in it!

~When I trip over stuff left on the stairs: This is the day the Lord has made! I will REJOICE and be glad in it!

~When I spend 30 minutes having to clean the kitchen eventhough it was clean when I went to bed: This is the day the Lord has made! I will rejoice and be GLAD in it!

~When the first child comes down the stairs and says in a sweet, sleepy voice: "Good Morning, Mama!":

Thank you, God, for this day you have made! I am so glad!

I am going to post it on my fridge, the bathroom mirror, near the kitchen sink and in the laundry!

The car would be a good spot, too, as crazy drivers and slow traffic have a tendency to make me forget that I am HAPPY TODAY!

I will go to bed tonight and dream of my GLAD DAY so I can have the same rejoiceful, glad day tomorrow!

Happy Monday!

And Tuesday!

And Wednesday!

And Everyday!

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