Friday, March 19, 2010


We are so excited that Spring is here.

We saw 1 week old baby lambs at the farm the other day and knew Spring HAD to be here!

God's own sign to us that indeed it is SPRING!

A time of renewal!

A time of refreshment!

A time of hope!

Here, again, is another poem that my sweet mother found for me!

Though she is a poet herself, she did not write this one.

We do not even have a title for it.

Here it is:

In the heart of a bulb

Is a promise of Spring.

In a little blue egg

There's a bird that will sing.

In the soul of a seed

Is a hope of the sod.

In the heart of a child

Is the Kingdom of God.


Enjoy your Spring!
PS. The artwork is from and is called Spring Flowers c. 1851 by George Smith

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