Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Change It Up!

If you want to see the RESULTS you desire in ANY area of your life, you need to start DOING something DIFFERENT than what you already are doing!

~If the house is always messy, give a child a quarter to pick up one room!
~If you can't lose weight, make a plan and eat different foods!
Or do a different kind of exercise!
~If your spouse isn't paying attention to you, find a way to MAKE him NOTICE!
~If you need more money, SAVE a little, MAKE a little!
~If you are always running late, layout the things you need several DAYS in advance!

You know the old saying~

"I can do ALL THINGS, through Christ who strengthens me!"
Look it up!
~And have a rejoiceful and glad day!

PS. This is the advice I'm giving myself!

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