Thursday, February 18, 2016

Finding True Love

It wasn't that many years ago that I found true love.
I was a little ball of despair huddled into the corner of the bathroom pleading to God to help me.
I was an emotional wreck! 
I wonder if being 44 years old and pregnant had anything to do with it-I don't know, but there I was-a complete basket case-feeling hopeless!
I am not making light of this. It was true! I really felt hopeless even though I had a beautiful life.
I thought I was going to die in that corner.
No one could help me.
Oh, I wanted so badly for my loved ones to come in and save me.
Surely my darling husband would. After all, he would know my needs more than anyone.
In my mind it would have been so easy for him to swoop in and give me all the things I felt I needed from him. 
Shouldn't he know exactly what I need to be comforted, to get me through this needy time in my life?
Or what about family and friends?
Where is everyone when you truly need them?
Honestly, do I have to DIE in this corner?
Couldn't my loved ones see how to help me, how to love me like I needed them to?
I prayed my little heart out! Surely God would intercede for me and let my loved ones know how to truly help me!
I heard a soft voice deep within me.
"It's Me.
It's Me. There is no one who can love you like I can.
Come to Me, My darling child."
It struck me right in my heart and soul!
In my mind, I formed ideals of how I should be loved by the people in my life.
My husband would be my knight in shining armor, coming in with full armor and a sword, swooping me up in his arms and carrying me to love and safety.
My family and friends would come to my aid just at the right time.
What was I thinking?
The little girl in me couldn't let go of the romantic notion of being so loved that surely everyone would know when to do the swooping and saving!
And I was CRUSHED when it didn't happen!
The Voice of my TRUE LOVE came to me that day.
It was and is my Saving Grace!
Jesus is my True Love!
I no longer look at people to be my saving grace. 
How could anyone on this Earth be my savior?
Could I be someone's savior-always doing the right thing?
Of course not! 
This simple revelation has completely change my life.
I no longer put expectations on my loved ones.
I am so faulty myself, how can I expect others to perform to my expectations.
I have so many people in my life that love me so dearly.
I don't doubt their love.
And I love so deeply, too, those that God put into my life.
But my Truest, most Perfect Love is my True Savior.
My Jesus.
I sobbed and accepted again His love into my heart that day (I have known it my whole life but still thought others could do the true swooping, saving and chivalry-type of love!) and immediately felt true healing.
I am loved!
And so are you! So deeply-to the core-everlasting-perfectly LOVED!
There is no greater love than that of our True Savior!

"...I have loved thee with an everlasting love.." Jeremiah 31:3

Please know how much you are truly loved!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Needed this today. Thank you!