Monday, October 12, 2009

The Blessings of Keeping House-Part 2

Okay, now that we have housecleaning help (remember and our sanity in check (remember our 15 minutes in the morning?-see earlier posts), we can get to the most important part of keeping house-Taking care of our loved ones!

It is very important to take care of our health and sanity by exercising, eating well and having a tiny bit of quiet time so that we can take care of the people that we love the most. Getting to bed at a decent hour, planning meals for the week and asking for help with laundry, cleaning and meals really does make it easier to lovingly take care of our spouses, children, parents, etc.
Sometimes we wonder, how can I do it ALL? Well, we don't HAVE to do it all! A little time at home getting grounded and organized and asking everyone to pitch in really makes it easier to get it all done.

Okay, I know someone is laughing right now because they know I do not always have my act together. I know that and just knowing it and not letting it bother me too much makes me healthier in the long run! Who are we trying to please, anyway? Sure, I want a clean house and I really DO try and it actually does get clean most of the time and it certainly goes much smoother when I plan a little ahead of time. You know the old saying 'Failure to plan is planning to fail.' Well, I wouldn't even call it 'failing'. I don't particularly like the word. I call it 'trying'. If we don't try, then ..well, anyway, we should at least 'try'!

Finding the blessings of keeping house really begins at home. I believe it means taking time to enjoy what we have been given and not always trying to keep up the neighbors or trying to do things the way our best friend does things (though it doesn't hurt to try a few things that work for her to see if they might work in your life, too) or even going out and getting more stuff!
Keeping house is really appreciating what God has given us, taking care of and truly being thankful for everything and everyone in it. Even finding joy in the little tasks in life-like laundry and scrubbing the bathroom (I struggle with that one!).

I will never forget one thing that my Mother-in-law said years ago: " We do these things (like helping others without expecting pay or doing our chores) because of what Jesus has done for us!" It sure puts things in perspective. I think of that so often and remind myself and the children when complaining seems to come onto the scene! Please, don't get me wrong! I struggle! A LOT! It just helps to remember it from time to time.

Now that we have our attitude adjusted (hee, hee), we can focus on taking care of our loved ones! Those of us that are married, that means our husbands first! Not the children first! What? Not the children first?! No, not the children but our husbands! We were CREATED to be a helper to our husbands, to please him, and to do everything we can to make life easier for him. Please don't freak out! If we think about it, we will remember our mothers and grandmothers talking about this very thing! Times change very quickly and it's easy to forget what our role is in this changing world!

Some ways to make life easier for our husbands is to try not to complain about every little thing. Believe it or not, there is a nice, subtle way to get our point across! It makes life a little bit easier for him!

Also, making our husband's lunch and sending him off with breakfast is another way to make him feel loved and less stressed.

Showing a little affection unexpectedly does wonders, too!

He will be a completely different man when these subtle changes start happening.

Now, please don't start thinking that I am a perfect wife that never complains or grumble under my breath about having to put his clothes away. There are many times where I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that I am doing this because it is the right thing for me to do, not because I always want to. I DO know how to act like a witch sometimes. But I recognize it now and try to think rationally about my behavior, even fight with myself about doing the right thing. And, you want to know what? My husband ends up being a better husband because of it! Don't for one minute think he is the tougher one! We know better!

So, on a lighter note, here is a cute idea that I got from a book by Emilie Barnes. She makes up a 'Love Basket' that she keeps on hand for certain times in life where hubby might need a little 'boost'. She finds a nice basket, adds cloth napkins, pretty plastic cups and maybe even a tablecloth and when a particular stressful event or even a celebration comes along, she puts in some comfort food and finds time to pull it out and enjoy it with her husband.

Oh great, you might be thinking, when am I going to find time to do all that? You just have to MAKE the time. Next time you are out, stop at the Salvation Army and find your supplies. It is actually fun when you make a specific point to search for these things. I have pulled out the basket only a few times, but it is always waiting for me in my closet, reminding me to stop and make time for more pleasant things. Now that I am thinking about it, I will plan to put something in it tonight and just enjoy a bit of quiet time with my husband. Maybe just some grapes, crackers, chocolate and sparkling juice. (You can make your own by putting 1/2 juice and 1/2 sparkling water.) It is a wonderful benefit for me, too, as I LOVE picnics. I think we will share our 'Love basket' when the kids are in bed right in our room or ,even better, in the living room with a fire going.

But who is going to cut the wood and haul it to the porch? Groan! I won't let it get me down. I will find a way! I have to at least try! I know I will be glad if I do and I know my hubby will be all the better because of it! The whole family benefits and we all live happily ever after!

More on this series later!
Have a wonderful day!


Unknown said...

Thanks Laura for the inspirational ideas!

Unknown said...

Hi Joan, I am happy to share ideas that have helped me. Good luck!