Monday, August 17, 2009

Who's Throwing Money At Me When I Run?

Okay, I know this isn't a big money-making tactic, but after reading "Five Lessons A Millionaire Taught Me About Life and Wealth", I couldn't help but think that this might be a small way of 'winning in the margins' like the author mentioned. What am I talking about, you may be thinking? Well, I run down our road a few times a week and I always find money along the way. It is like someone is paying me to run. Now, I am not a professional athlete or anything, because they are not paying me much, but it never fails-I find money EVERY time! It is in the form of returnable aluminum cans. I have to bring a plastic grocery bag for all the 'money' I collect along the way. I come home from my run and tell the kids that someone is throwing money at me when I run. They are all amazed. I then put the 'money' in my 'returnable' bag in the mudroom until it is full. Free money for doing nothing but what I was going to do anyway! Amazing!

What would happen if I invested that money? Free money + investing = more free money. I do not know much about investing, but I am hoping to learn more. It is a brilliant idea!

Now, about that book! It did open my eyes to many things. It is a short book that is easy to read. The author is Richard Paul Evans, author of "The Christmas Box." I would recommend reading it. These are the 5 lessons he talks about:

1. Decide to be wealthy.

2. Take responsibility for your money.

3. Keep a portion of everything you earn.

4. Win in the margins.

5. Give back.

I hope you find some free money on your daily walks. We definitely have a lot to be thankful for!


Jan said...

Hi Laura, I found your blog from Sharyn T.'s. I don't know if you remember me, but I am Ron's wife- I talked to you about home schooling at the K. reunion last summer.
Lo and behold, I am planning to home school our kids this year...I hadn't had any intentions to, but it snuck up on me : ) (more of the story on my blog)
It'll be fun to peek at your blog.

Unknown said...

Hi Jan, Good luck with your schooling! Homeschooling has been such a blessing to us and I am sure you will find it to be the same for your family. Let me know it you need anything.